Forms by matter type
Anti-discrimination matters
Learn more about discrimination matters and the application process.
An application to review a decision of the Queensland Human Rights Commissioner regarding a lapsed complaint can found in administrative review decisions.
Form to be completed relating to an application for a complainant’s contentions on referral under the Anti-Discrimination Act 1991.
Form to be completed relating to an application for exemption or renewal of exemption from Anti-Discrimination Act 1991.
Form to be completed relating to a referral of a matter (non-disciplinary).
The purpose of this form is to respond to a discrimination referral (complaint) only.
Building disputes
Learn more about building disputes and the application process.
Before you make an application
Parties are required to participate in a dispute resolution process with the Queensland Building and Construction Commission (QBCC) before making a commercial or domestic building dispute application to QCAT.
A letter from the QBCC advising of the outcome of this process must be provided when commencing a QCAT application. Applications cannot be accepted at QCAT without this letter from the QBCC.
Form to be completed relating to alleged defective work/incomplete work schedule (for use in relation to domestic and commercial building disputes under the Queensland Building and Construction Commission Act 1991).
Form to be completed relating to an application for consent notice for major commercial building dispute – Queensland Building and Construction Commission Act 1991.
Form to be completed relating to an application for commercial building disputes – Queensland Building and Construction Commission Act 1991.
Form to be completed relating to an application for domestic building disputes – Queensland Building and Construction Commission Act 1991.
Form to be completed relating to an application for debt recovery proceeding – Queensland Building and Construction Commission Act 1991.
A response is a document that sets out each fact on which you rely to refute the application that has been made against you, and a counter-application is an application by the respondent against the applicant or another party.
Unliquidated damages arise when a claim is made for a sum which cannot be determined without consideration, by the Tribunal, of the applicant’s evidence in support of the claim.
Children and young people matters
Learn more about children and young people matters and the application process.
Form to be completed relating to an application to review a decision – child protection and adoption matters.
This form is used to apply for stays of reviewable decisions made under the Child Protection Act 1999.
Form to be completed relating to an Application for prohibition on entering premises of instructional institutions – Education (General Provisions) Act 2006.
Form to be completed relating to an application to review a decision.
Form to be completed relating to an application for leave to appeal or appeal.
Application form relating to an application to stay a decision.
Form to be completed if you wish to obtain consent for a child with an impairment to be sterilised.
Form to be completed relating to a notice of election – Child Protection Act 1999.
Clinical research
Learn more about clinical research matters and the application process.
The Guardianship and Administration Act 2000 provides that the Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal may approve clinical research.
Community living and body corporate disputes
QCAT hears disputes related to manufactured homes, retirement villages and body corporate matters. Learn more about community living and body corporate disputes and the application process.
Form to be completed relating to an application to resolve a complex dispute (excluding lot entitlement disputes) – Body Corporate and Community Management Act 1997.
Form to be completed relating to an application for the adjustment of a lot entitlement schedule – Body Corporate and Community Management Act 1997.
Form to be completed relating to an application for a tribunal hearing – Manufactured Homes (Residential Parks) Act 2003. Form 30A (version 1) was first published on 7 May 2024 and has been approved for use from 7 May 2024.
Form to be completed relating to an application for tribunal hearing - general - Retirement Villages Act 1999. Form 30B (version 1) was first published on 7 May 2024 and has been approved for use from 7 May 2024.
Form to be completed relating to an application for a tribunal hearing – homeowners committee - Manufactured Homes (Residential Parks) Act 2003. Form 30C (version 1) was first published on 7 May 2024 and has been approved for use from 7 May 2024.
Form to be completed relating to an application for referral to mediation - Manufactured Homes (Residential Parks) Act 2003). Form 64A (version 1) was first published on 7 May 2024 and has been approved for use from 7 May 2024.
Form to be completed relating to an application for referral to mediation - Retirement Villages Act 1999. Form 64B (version 1) was first published on 7 May 2024 and has been approved for use from 7 May 2024.
Consumer and trader disputes, and property damage disputes
Learn more about consumer and trader and property damage disputes and the application process.
Form to be completed relating to an application for minor civil dispute – consumer dispute.
A counter-application is an application by the respondent against the applicant or another party.
Debt disputes
Before lodging an application or response, read about minor debt disputes and the application process.
QCAT now offers an online portal called QCase for you to securely file applications, referrals or documents electronically, view, manage and respond to your minor debt case. This fully-digital case management system makes filing and managing your case easier and more accessible.
A minor civil dispute about minor debt can involve disagreements with another person, business or company about a fixed or agreed sum of money, valued up to $25,000 (excluding interest). This form 3 is approved under the Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal Act 2009 (the QCAT Act). Approved entities or solicitors can file electronic minor debt forms through a service provider (CITEC). These forms include forms 4 and 5 approved under the QCAT Act.
Use this form to apply to the tribunal to set aside or amend a decision by default.
Form to be completed relating to an application for a request for decision by default - minor civil dispute – minor debt.
A response is a document which sets out each fact on which you rely to refute the application.
Decision-making for Adults with impaired capacity
Guardianship, Administration and Enduring Powers of Attorney
Learn more about decision-making for Adults with impaired capacity including guardians and administrators and the application process.
The Account by Administrator (ABA) is the standard form to be used by private administrators when providing an account of their administration.
This declaration is to be used when a partial exemption for accounts of administration has been granted to the administrator.
Financial management plan for administrators
Form to be completed relating to an application for administration/guardianship appointment or review – Guardianship and Administration Act 2000.
The purpose of this form is to ask QCAT to declare that a particular person has the capacity to make decisions in relation to a matter.
Form to be completed relating to an application for miscellaneous matters – Guardianship and Administration Act 2000.
The purpose of this form is to ask the tribunal to intervene to prevent a decision being made before it has held its hearing to determine whether or not the person involved has the capacity to make such a decision.
The Guardianship and Administration Act 2000 (the Act) provides that the Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal (the tribunal) may approve clinical research.
The purpose of this form is to ask the tribunal to make an interim order prior to a final hearing and decision under the Guardianship and Administration Act 2000.
Form to apply for consent for special health care in guardianship matters
QCAT may appoint an administrator under the Guardianship and Administration Act 2000 to make decisions about financial matters for an adult who usually resides in Queensland and is a missing person
The Guardianship and Administration Act 2000 provides that the Tribunal may consent, for an Adult with impaired capacity for the special health matter concerned, to the Adult’s participation in special medical research or experimental health care.
The Guardianship and Administration Act 2000 provides that QCAT must review an appointment of a guardian or administrator.
Form to be completed to by medical and related health professionals to provide information to assist the tribunal to review the use of restrictive practices for adults with intellectual or cognitive disability and challenging behaviours, appoint guardians to make decisions about personal/lifestyle/health matters and restrictive practices, and appoint administrators to make decisions about financial and property matters for an adult with impaired decision-making capacity.
Form to be completed relating to an application for a record of guardian’s decision – Guardianship and Administration Act 2000.
Form to be completed by an administrator detailing the accounts kept on behalf of an adult.
Report to the Tribunal about restrictive practices
Dividing fences
Learn more about dividing fences and the application process.
If your dispute relates to recovering a debt based on an agreed fixed amount for fence work, QCAT now offers an online portal called QCase for you to securely file applications, referrals or documents electronically, view, manage and respond to your case. This fully-digital case management system makes filing and managing your case easier and more accessible.
A dividing fence dispute is a disagreement between neighbours about a fence, or a proposed fence, on the common boundary of adjoining lands.
Miscellaneous matters
Use form 40 for an:
- Application for directions
- Application to dismiss or strike out a proceeding
- Application for a closed hearing
- Application for non-publication order
- Application to refer rejection or conditional acceptance of application or referral to tribunal for review
- Application for direction requiring another party to produce document, thing or information
- Application for order requiring person to produce document or thing
- Application for an adjournment
- Other
*Do not use this form if your matter relates to guardianship or administration.
Please use Form 12 - Application for miscellaneous matters - guardianship
Motor Vehicle Disputes
Learn more about motor vehicle disputes and the application process.
The purpose of this form is to apply to QCAT in relation to a motor vehicle dispute. Form 59 (version 1.1) was first published on 22 January 2025 and has been approved for use from 22 January 2025.
The purpose of this form is to respond or make a counter application in a motor vehicle dispute only.
Occupational regulation matters
Learn more about discipline and regulation of professionals and the application process.
You can lodge Form 22 online - or use the .pdf version below. The online version will save you time and you can upload documents to support your application.
This form is to be completed by a board, chief executive, commission or other entity regarding an application or referral for a disciplinary proceeding.
Form to be completed relating to an application to review a decision.
Other civil disputes
Form to be completed relating to an application for a reimbursement order – Property Agents and Motor Dealers Act 2000.
Form to be completed relating to an application for marketeering proceeding (complaint) – Property Agents and Motor Dealers Act 2000.
A response is a document that sets out each fact on which you rely to refute the application that has been made against you, and a counter-application is an application by the respondent against the applicant or another party.
Residential tenancy disputes
Before making an application please read residential tenancy disputes and the application process.
QCAT now offers an online portal called QCase for you to securely file applications, referrals or documents electronically, view, manage and respond to your residential tenancy case. This fully-digital case management system makes filing and managing your case easier and more accessible.
Form to be complete relating to an application for minor civil dispute – residential tenancy dispute.
A counter-application is an application by the respondent against the applicant or another party.
Retail shop lease disputes
Learn more about retail shop lease disputes and the application process.
Form to be completed relating to an application for an order to resolve a retail tenancy dispute – Retail Shop Leases Act 1994.
Form to be completed relating to a referral by a mediator of a retail tenancy dispute under section 63 of the Retail Shop Leases Act 1994
Appointing a specialist retail valuer form
Review of administrative decisions
Learn more about the review of government agency decisions and the application process.
Form to be completed relating to an application to review a decision of the Anti-Discrimination Commissioner regarding lapsed complaint.
Form to be completed relating to an application to review a decision.
Form to be completed relating to a referral of a matter (non-disciplinary).
Form to be completed relating to an application for leave to appeal or appeal.
Application form relating to an application to stay a decision.
Form to be used if you have not made an application to the tribunal to resolve a dispute but have reached an agreement required to be filed in the tribunal.
Tree disputes
Before making an application or response, please read tree disputes and application process.
Please note: if your dispute relates to recovering a debt based on an agreed fixed amount for the removal of minor overhanging branches, refer to Form 3 - Application for minor civil dispute - minor debt under Debt disputes
A tree dispute is a disagreement between neighbours about a tree or trees on adjoining properties.
The purpose of this form is to respond to a tree dispute only.
Voluntary assisted dying reviews
Learn more about reviewing a voluntary assisted dying decision and the application process.
Voluntary assisted dying is an end-of-life choice that gives eligible people who are suffering and dying the option to choose the timing and circumstances of their death. If you do not agree with a decision made by either doctor, you may be eligible to apply to QCAT to review the decision.
Withdrawal of an application or referral
Applications can be withdrawn for a number of reasons, for example the matter was successfully resolved at mediation and there is no need for a final hearing. For most matters the Tribunal’s leave is not required to withdraw an application or referral. However, some legislation requires an applicant to seek leave to withdraw an application or referral before it is withdrawn.
To apply for leave to withdraw or to lodge a notice of withdrawal you can use our online application. Completing online will save you time and you won’t need to lodge a hard copy. or download
Form 58 - Application for leave to withdraw an application or referral / Notice of withdrawal of application or referral