QCAT will consider reopening a matter only if a party:
- did not appear at the final hearing and had a reasonable excuse for not attending
- would suffer substantial injustice if the matter was not reopened because significant new evidence has emerged that was not previously available.
Reopening a matter will only be considered in special circumstances.
Some of the grounds for reopening a matter are similar to appealing the decision.
However, QCAT will only reopen a matter if it can be effectively or conveniently heard as a reopening of the first hearing rather than going through the appeal process.
An application to reopen proceedings must be lodged within 28 days from the date you were given notice of the decision.
To apply to reopen a matter, please complete and lodge Form 43 - Application for reopening, correction, renewal or amendment .
This application incurs a fee that must be paid when you lodge the form.