
QCAT's online portal for minor civil disputes

Having difficulties using QCase? Help is at hand

QCAT has a dedicated helpline to assist you in using the portal. Please call 1300 509 062 if you have any questions about, or are having difficulties using, the QCase portal. You can also see if a solution to your issue is already available on our Frequently Asked Questions page. For all other general QCAT enquiries, not related to the QCase portal, please call 1300 753 228.


QCAT now offers an online portal for you to securely file applications, referrals or documents electronically, view, manage and respond to your minor civil dispute case. This fully-digital case management system will make filing and managing your case easier and more accessible by allowing you to: view case information and documents 24 hours a day, 7 days a week; access via desktop, laptop, mobile phone, and tablet; receive case updates and notifications in real time; and lodge documents any time on any day of the week. Individuals, legal firms and other organisations can register to use QCase.

For help using the QCase portal, please refer to the Portal User Guide.

What can QCase be used for?

QCase can be used to commence a proceeding by filing an initiating application and supporting documents in the following case types:

QCase can also be used to file other non-initiating applications and other documents during the course of the proceeding. The parties can electronically file documents relating to existing proceedings if they have the relevant file number for the case.

QCase can also be used to monitor the progress of a matter as well as to review, access, and print documents filed in a matter including sealed copies of documents.

New users

QCase is available to be used by both individuals, and legal firms and other organisations.

  • If you are a first-time individual user, you will need to register before you can use QCase.
  • For legal firms and other organisations (i.e., not an individual), please view the QCase Firm Administration Guide for steps on how to register your firm or organisation, add users to the firm, and assign users to cases.

You will also need to review and agree to the QCase Terms and Conditions of use.

How to register

Before you can register for QCase, you will need to have a Digital ID, such as myID or a Queensland Government QGov account. Read the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section for help in registering for either a myID or QGov account.

Once you have your myID or QGov account, access QCase and begin registration.

QCase overview video

This short 2-minute video provides an overview of QCase.

A more detailed portal demonstration video is available on the Queensland Courts website and provides in-depth information about the different features and functions of the QCase portal. While the video focuses on Magistrates Courts users, the functionality and information discussed are relevant for QCAT users. The time-stamped chapters have been added for different sections so that anyone can quickly skip to a topic of interest and refer quickly to this video in the future if required.

Disclaimer: Future updates of the QCase portal, may change some features and functions.

Duration 00:02:15

Checklist for filing documents

If you intend to provide multiple documents to the tribunal as supporting material, please ensure you upload them as individual documents rather than as one large document, or as a bundle (PDF, 34.2 KB). (For example – if you are filing a Form 2 – Application for minor civil dispute – residential tenancy dispute, and attaching an invoice and tenancy agreement as supporting evidence, you would attach these as three separate uploads. The application, the invoice and the tenancy agreement.) 

Practice Direction No. 4 of 2023 (PDF, 263.7 KB) outlines information about residential tenancy disputes, including:

  • Information about what each party must do prior to and at the hearing so that QCAT can deal with the matter in a way that is informed, fair and efficient; and
  • Information on managing documents, photographs via QCase, video footage, ensuring details are up-to-date, and naming correct party/parties.

Before filing documents in QCase, please ensure that:

  • you have chosen and completed the correct form or forms – note that some forms are guided and can be completed in QCase. See the FAQs for further information.
  • if you are seeking to respond to, defend or join a case, you know the case file number of the case you are joining.
  • you have all the documents and supporting material you wish to submit in an approved electronic format (.doc, .docx, .pdf, .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .xls, .xlsx with a size limit of 100MB for individual files). If you wish to lodge a different document format, please contact your local registry.
  • if a fee is payable, you have your card details ready.
  • if you are applying for a waiver of your filing fees, you have completed a fee waiver application form and have all supporting material available for upload.

It is also recommended that you obtain independent legal advice before commencing any proceeding.

Firm administration

QCase enables legal firms and other organisations (i.e. not an individual), to manage their users and cases.

Please view the QCase Firm Administration Guide for steps on how to register your firm or organisation, add users to the firm, and assign users to cases.

Refer to the QCase FAQ page for further information.

Contact and assistance

To help users with the new system, QCAT has a dedicated helpline to assist you in using the portal. Please call 1300 509 062 if you have any questions about, or are having difficulties using, the QCase portal.

Visually impaired users experiencing difficulties using the sites or reading the screen layouts can also seek assistance from QCAT Brisbane on 1300 753 228.

Click here to find your local courthouse registry or call 13 QGOV (13 74 68).