Fact sheets
Adult administrators
Complete information pack of all fact sheets and guides for appointed administrators.
Banking guidelines for appointed administrators.
An administrator must keep records. As soon as you have been appointed as an administrator, you should keep records which are easy to understand and maintain.
The administrator has a duty to invest only in authorised investments. These duties are described in the Trusts Act 1973 and referred to as the prudent person rule.
Roles and responsibilities of appointed administrators.
Information how guardians appointed for a restrictive practice may consent to the use of the restrictive practice.
Appearance and representation
Outlines who can appear at QCAT for entities, joint applicants, landlords and rooming accommodation providers.
Outlines differences between appearance and representation at QCAT.
Outlines which parties need permission to be represented before QCAT, limitations on representation and how to apply for permission to be represented.
Outlines the process involved in seeking representation in QCAT for a guardianship proceeding.
Children and young people
QCAT takes a new look at some decisions made about you, as a child or young person by the Department of Communities - Child Safety services.
Information for children in care about who to talk to if you don't agree with a decision made about your life.
The Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal (QCAT) is committed to actively resolving disputes in a way that is fair, just, accessible, quick and inexpensive. QCAT is a tribunal, not a court. A tribunal is less formal than a court, but still makes decisions that are final and can be enforced.
The tribunal provides a fair and transparent process for public and media access to QCAT records and information.
Instructions to prepare an appeal book.
These AI guidelines apply to civil and criminal proceedings in Queensland courts and tribunals including Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal.
You can apply to the tribunal to attend your proceeding by phone.
The applicant/s and respondent/s are the parties to the proceeding. There can be more than one applicant and more than one respondent in an application. You must identify the correct parties to the application.
Before making an application to QCAT, you should try to resolve your dispute yourself. This may include approaching the person you are in dispute with and trying to negotiate a solution.
Outlines where and when reasons for QCAT decisions are published online.
Some types of issues are more common after a natural disaster.
If an application has been made against you, the QCAT form and any information from QCAT will describe you as ‘the respondent’. The person who has made the application against you will be described as ‘the applicant’.
Explains what registry staff can and cannot assist with.
Outlines how to seek legal advice from private solicitors, community legal centres and community organisations.
Minor civil disputes
Information about what to do after the tenancy agreement has been terminated and a Warrant of Possession has been issued, what you need to do and where you can access support.
Neighbourhood disputes (trees and fences)
QCAT can make decisions regarding: recovering a debt from a neighbour as a result of minor overhanging branch removal and other disputes involving a tree affecting neighbouring land including damaging property, causing injury, or interfering with use of land.
The Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal (QCAT) decides disputes about domestic and commercial building work.
This fact sheet may assist persons entitled to seek review of decisions made by Queensland government departments and statutory agencies (the decision maker) which QCAT has specifically been empowered to review.
Explains the three step process you must follow to resolve retirement village disputes.
People can use two different Acts to access information held by the Queensland Government: the Information Privacy Act 2009 (IP Act) and the Right to Information Act 2009 (RTI Act).
The Victims of Crime Assistance Act 2009 (VCA Act) provides a financial assistance scheme to victims of violence (Victim Assist). It creates rights for victims of crime (victims) and also for persons from whom the State seeks recovery (offenders) to seek review of decisions through QCAT.
Self-representation resources
An applicant is not entitled to succeed in their QCAT application merely because they believe that someone has treated them unfairly, unlawfully or owes them money. The applicant must put evidence before QCAT which supports their case.
A statement is a written outline of the facts of your case. Statements form the evidence you intend to rely on to support your case at the tribunal.
A statement is a written outline of the facts of your case. This template provides an example of how to present your statement.