Daily proceeding list

QCAT's daily hearings / proceeding list

Daily proceeding list - 10 February 2025 (PDF, 48.6 KB)

Please note, this list is subject to change.

Are you involved in a minor civil dispute?
(eg residential tenancy, consumer and trader, debt, dividing fence and property damage disputes)

Minor civil disputes can be lodged and resolved in QCAT’s Brisbane registry, or any Magistrates Court in Queensland (excluding the Brisbane Magistrates Court). Acronyms for minor civil disputes vary, but will generally be referred to as:

  • MCD###-##
  • MCDO###-##
  • MCDT###-##
  • Q###-##
  • or simply the case number ###-##.

If you are involved in a minor civil dispute, please check your QCAT notice for your proceeding's location as it may be at a Magistrates Court. If so, please contact the relevant court with any queries

Daily proceeding list matter codes

Our daily proceeding list contains parties’ names (unless they are withheld), case numbers, proceeding types, times and locations.

Case numbers are made up of an acronym for the type of matter and the individual matter’s unique case number.

Here is a list of the acronyms used.

# = case number

ADL###-## Anti-discrimination matter
APL###-## Appeal matter
BDL ###-## Building matter
CML###-## Children and young people matter
G##### Guardianship matter
GAR###-## General administrative review matter
MVL###-##Motor vehicle disputes

Neighbourhood dispute resolution matter involving trees or fences

Disputes involving fences are dealt with as a minor civil dispute

OCL###-## Other civil matter
OCR###-## Occupational regulation matter
REO###-## Reopening matter
RSL###-##Retail shop lease
RWL###-## Renewal of a decision