
Time to finalise an application

Time to finalise an application

These figures are indicative of the timeframes that three quarters of matters were finalised within over the past twelve months. One quarter of matters will take longer and some of them will take considerably longer depending on the circumstances, including the complexity and size of the matter.

JurisdictionNumber of weeks that most*
applications were finalised within**
Review of government agency decisions - Animal Management54 weeks
Review of government agency decisions - General130 weeks
Review of government agency decisions - QBCC92 weeks
Review of government agency decisions - Weapons Licensing62 weeks
Discrimination complaints78 weeks
Appeals74 weeks
Building and construction86 weeks
Children and young people - Blue Card109 weeks
Children and young people - Child Protection42 weeks
Decision-making for Adults with impaired capacity37 weeks
Motor vehicle71 weeks
Tree disputes110 weeks
Discipline and regulation of professionals - Health82 weeks
Discipline and regulation of professionals - Legal56 weeks
Discipline and regulation of professionals - General85 weeks
Retail shop lease101 weeks

Other civil disputes, such as:

81 weeks
Minor Civil Disputes 
Consumers, traders and businesses41 weeks
Dividing fence disputes32 weeks
Minor debt disputes38 weeks
Residential tenancy disputes (Non urgent)26 weeks
Residential tenancy dispute (Urgent)6 weeks

* Approximately three quarters of matters are finalised within this timeframe. One quarter of matters will take longer and some of them will take considerably longer depending on the circumstances, including the complexity and size of the matter.

** Figures as at 30 November 2024.