QCAT a wide range of frequently asked questions available to support you and improve your QCase experience.

Frequently asked questions about QCase


QCase is a quick and efficient way to file documents and manage civil proceedings in QCAT and Magistrates Courts.

Some of the benefits of using QCase include:

  • View case information and documents 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
  • Access via desktop, laptop, mobile phone, and tablet.
  • Receive case updates and notifications in real-time.
  • Lodge documents any time on any day of the week.

Please note that any documents lodged using QCase outside normal registry hours will only be processed and filed during business hours. This means that documents lodged after 4:30pm will be taken to be filed the next business day, and date stamped as such.

Anyone seeking to commence proceedings or respond to an action in a minor civil dispute in QCAT can use QCase.

Using QCase is the preferred method, as it is an easy alternative and provides many benefits to progressing your minor civil dispute matter through QCAT. However, if you do not have access to QCase online, you can still lodge your documents in person or by post.

When you lodge an application through QCase, it will initially be visible to you and QCAT registry staff and decision makers. Other parties named in the application can join the case via QCase to see the documents, parties, and events.

Anyone can apply to search and copy certain documents in QCAT including matters lodged via QCase. See the search and copy FAQ below for more information.

Once a document has been filed (and where necessary approved by the registry), the document will be viewable by all parties with access to the case through QCase unless there is a non-publication order made by the tribunal. You will need to make this application through QCase and if approved, the registry will mark the document to prevent it appearing to the parties.

Some applications, including some types of residential tenancy disputes, will prompt you to consider whether a non-publication application needs to be made at the time of filing the residential tenancy application.

Depending on whether the entire document or just parts of the document are granted a non-publication order, you may still need to file a redacted copy of the document to then be served on the other party.

Accessing QCase

There are no fees to register and use QCase. However most initiating applications require the payment of a filing fee at the time of lodging the application.

You may be eligible to apply for a fee waiver if you are experiencing financial hardship.

To access QCase, users will need to have a Digital ID, such as myID or a Queensland Government QGov account. These options are a ‘tell-us-once’ registration service offered by the Australian and Queensland Governments, providing users access to multiple agencies using a single registration and log in.

Having a myID or QGov account is your online identity and keeps your transactions secure when using government online services. It makes it easier to prove who you are online, provides greater security to you, and helps to protect your information.

To register for a myID or a QGov account, you will need to provide certain identification requirements.

Find out about the ID requirements to register for a myID account.

Find out about the ID requirements to register for a QGov account.

No. You only need to have either a myID or QGov account to register and log in to QCase.

Yes, you can access QCase from your desktop, mobile phone, tablet, or laptop.

No, you can continue to use CITEC Confirm to lodge your minor debt matters.

Lodging documents

All minor civil dispute applications are prepared online using QCase. The applications are guided to provide you with assistance when completing them. You will need electronic versions of any supporting material you wish to upload along with the application.

Once the initiating minor civil dispute application has been lodged, additional documents can be uploaded into QCase for a case. Most QCAT application forms can be completed online following a guided process. However if this option is not available or you wish to upload supporting material, you will need to prepare the document/s before uploading them (QCAT forms).

You can also lodge minor debt applications in bulk.

Our business hours are Monday – Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm. If you lodge a document on QCase outside of these business hours (for example: before 8:30am, after 4:30pm, during a weekend/public holiday/closure period), QCase will record the document as being filed on the next business day.

No. Matters commenced before QCase was operational will continue to be managed outside of QCase.

QCase is only available for new matters lodged after QCase became operational.

No, at this stage you cannot lodge any other QCAT matter type using QCase. Proceedings such as guardianship, motor vehicles, retail shop leases, building disputes, tree disputes, anti-discrimination, or a review of an administrative decision will still need to be lodged in person, by post or in some circumstances by email.

QCase can only be used for minor civil disputes which include residential tenancy disputes, consumer or trading disputes, minor debt disputes and fence disputes.

For further information about lodging your applications with QCAT, visit Lodging your application and forms.

The type of application being made determines the urgency. Urgent applications are automatically identified and processed accordingly by the registries.

If you attach the incorrect file when uploading it as part of filing a document, you will need to contact the registry where your matter is being heard so registry staff can rectify it for you.

Depending on the type of document you file through QCase, some lodgements will be automatically processed by the system while others will require registry staff to process them. The timeframe for registry staff to process lodgements received through QCase can vary for several reasons:

  • the number or complexity of your documents.
  • whether you are making an urgent application (for QCAT matters).
  • whether your lodgement requires determination or consideration by a registrar or judicial officer.
  • current registry workloads and backlog.

You will be advised when your lodgement has been processed.

QCase provides up-to-date information regarding your case and documents. Your case or cases will have an overall status and each document filed also has a status that changes when a document is lodged, processed, or rejected. Some documents are automatically processed.

You will also receive an email or a notification alert to advise that you have an update to your case and any next steps you need to take.

No. The party lodging the application or document remains responsible for serving the other party or parties in accordance with legislation and practice directions. Find out more about service requirements.

The exception to this is residential tenancy disputes where the registry is responsible for service of the initiating application.

Once a document has been submitted and processed, a sealed version becomes available to download, print and serve on the other party. You can access the sealed copy of the document by selecting the matter from the list of cases and then selecting the document under ‘court file’.  QCase does not automatically serve another party.

If your lodgement is rejected, you will be advised of the rejection by email or by notification alert. An explanation or reason for rejections will be provided. If you require further information for your rejection or refusal, you can contact the registry that issued it.

Where a filing fee or additional fees have been paid, registry staff will contact you to arrange a refund.

Yes, you can still use QCase to respond to or defend the matter. You will just need to have the case file number from the documents served on you to enable you to join the case.

If you applied for a fee waiver and it has been refused, you must make payment of the filing fee in ‘Payments’ for your application to be progressed.

You are required to make payment within 48 hours after lodging. If payment is not received within this time, your lodgement will be rejected. Weekends, public holidays, and registry closures will not be considered as part of the 48 hours.

If you have applied for a fee waiver and it has been refused, you have 48 hours from being advised of the rejection to make payment.

You can lodge multiple QCAT minor debt applications or requests for default decision in bulk using a .xsd template which can be accessed via ‘Bulk Cases’ in QCase. The information is entered into this template and uploaded via Bulk Cases as a.xml file.

Lodging bulk cases also allows users to pay for them all at once, rather than individually.

Yes, if you are unable to complete and lodge your application at the time, you can save a draft of your case. These saved drafts are stored for 30 days from the date that you first saved the draft. After this, the drafts will be deleted.

Only you will be able to see your drafts and any associated information until they are submitted.

Using QCase

Yes, this appears as an in-built assistance tool on the screen.

Just click at the bottom right of the QCase screen and choose a topic from the list. It will then guide you through the process live using step-by-step instructions.

There are also smart tips and information icons to provide further assistance.

For further help using the QCase portal, please refer to the Portal User Guide.

If you are experiencing difficulties, contact your local registry.

It is important to ensure your address for service and contact details are accurate. You can change your contact details in your Profile.

You can also update your address for service on all your current cases at once—select Cases and click the Update Address for Service button. If preferred, you can choose to update each case individually by lodging the appropriate document.

Anyone can apply to search and copy certain documents in QCAT, and this includes matters lodged using QCase. However, there are rules and legislation that may limit or prevent who can access documents.

You can make a search and copy request to QCAT using the ‘Public Access’ tab in QCase.


If you are unable to submit a document or the attachment is not uploading, try the following steps:

  1. Confirm that all attachments are in the correct format: .doc, .docx, .pdf, .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .xls, and .xlsx.
  2. Confirm that the size of each document is not more than 100MB. If a document is more than 100MB, you will need to separate the document and save as multiple files before attempting to re-upload.
  3. Confirm that you have completed all required fields. Required fields are marked with a red asterisk *

If these steps do not rectify the issue, contact your local courthouse or QCAT registry for assistance.

Firm administration

Firm administrators have the highest level of access within the QCase portal and can view all cases and user profiles that are related to their organisation. A general user will have limited access to cases within the QCase portal as per the permissions provided by the firm administrator.

The firm administrator is responsible for managing their employee’s user access within the QCase portal. This includes configuring new and existing employee access and granting or removing access to the organisation’s cases in QCase.

Yes, a firm administrator can nominate multiple users within their organisation.

Each organisation must have at least one firm administrator. A firm administrator cannot remove themselves as the administrator of their organisation unless another user has been assigned the role of an administrator.

Before a user can join an organisation, they must register to access the QCase portal as individuals via MyID or QGov and verify their business email address in the QCase portal. Ensure your employee has registered in the QCase portal and their registered business email address matches your organisations email domain.

Please ensure you have followed the steps to register your organisation and verify your business email address. If you have followed these steps you should be able to see the user management option in the side menu. If you cannot see this option it may be due to another user already being listed as the legal firm administrator for your organisation. Click on profile and scroll down to the business or organisation profile section. This will show who is listed as an administrator for your organisation. The administrator will need to assign you to the role of a firm administrator in the QCase portal.

Please refer to the QCase Firm Administration Guide for further information.