Forms - general
An affidavit is a formal sworn statement of fact, signed by the author, who is called the affiant or deponent, and witnessed as to the authenticity of the affiant's signature by a taker of oaths.
Form to be completed relating to an affidavit in support of a request for a decision by default. This form is used in conjunction with Form 37 Request for a decision by default in matters other than minor civil dispute
The Affidavit of service must be lodged in the QCAT registry where the application that started the proceeding was lodged.
Form relating to the Service and Execution of Process Act - Form 1 for general - non-MCD matters - for interstate service.
Form relating to the Service and Execution of Process Act - Form 1 for MCD (minor debt) matters - for interstate service.
Form relating to the Service and Execution of Process Act - Form 1 for MCD - non minor debt - for interstate service.
Form to be completed relating to an application for leave to appeal or appeal.
Change of contact details
Submit your request to change your contact details online OR use the .pdf below.
This form can be used to change your contact details with QCAT.
Complaints and feedback
complaint letter template
Form for children or young people to make a complaint or provide feedback on a QCAT service or matter.
complaint form
Electronic Evidence
Fees and payments
Form to be completed if a client would like to make a credit card payment to QCAT. The credit card payment authorisation form will only be accepted by post or facsimile. This form MUST NOT be sent via email and will not be accepted via email.
Form to be completed relating to an application for waiver of fees by reason of financial hardship.
The Affidavit of service must be lodged in the QCAT registry where the application that started the proceeding was lodged.
This form is for use by respondents in legal profession matters only, as required by Practice Direction 2 of 2010.
Form relating to the Service and Execution of Process Act - Form 1 for general - non-MCD matters - for interstate service.
Form relating to the Service and Execution of Process Act - Form 1 for MCD (minor debt) matters - for interstate service.
Form relating to the Service and Execution of Process Act - Form 1 for MCD - non minor debt - for interstate service.
Form to be completed relating to an application for decision/order by consent.
Form to be completed relating to an application for attendance at hearing, compulsory conference or mediation by remote conferencing.
Form to be completed relating to an application to review a decision.
A response is a document that sets out each fact on which you rely to refute the application that has been made against you, and a counter-application is an application by the respondent against the applicant or another party.
Form to be completed when requesting a decision by default in matters other than minor civil disputes.
Form to be completed relating to an application for notice requiring witness to attend or produce document or thing.
Form to be completed relating to an application for interim order.
Form to be completed relating to an application to extend or shorten a time limit or for waiver of compliance with procedural requirement.
Form to be completed relating to an application for reopening, correction, renewal or amendment.
Application form relating to an application to stay a decision.
Form to be completed relating to an application to be joined to a proceeding.
Use this form to apply to the tribunal to set aside or amend a decision by default.
Form to be completed relating to an application for leave to be represented.
This form is for use by respondents in legal profession matters only, as required by Practice Direction 2 of 2010.
Form to be used if you have not made an application to the tribunal to resolve a dispute but have reached an agreement required to be filed in the tribunal.