When is leave required?
Applications under the Child Protection Act 1999, Disability Services Act 2006, s. 178(9), Guardianship and Administration Act 2000 and Powers of Attorney Act 1998 require leave from the tribunal.
To apply to withdraw your application in these jurisdictions, complete and lodge a Form 40–Application for miscellaneous matters.
Definitions of terms used
Case number—a reference number that may also be called a file number. For example, MCDT001/15, MCDO001/15, BDL001/15, NDR001/15, or GAR001/15.
Leave—permission from the tribunal.
Party—the person(s) or entity(s) named in the application.
Respondent—the other party the application is about.
Serve/serving (documents)—delivery of legal documents officially notifying the intended receiver that a legal action or proceeding involving them has been started.
Withdraw—cancel the application or referral you have made to the tribunal.