Our vision
Fair and just outcomes
Our mission
To actively resolve disputes in a way that is fair, just, accessible, quick and inexpensive.
Our values
QCAT prides itself on the professionalism, integrity and impartiality of its staff and decision-makers and values the right of parties to have access to a quality service.
Code of Conduct
We abide by the Queensland public sector Code of Conduct that specifies our behavioural and service standards.
You have a right to:
- a fair and impartial hearing
- reasonable help to understand the tribunal’s practices and procedures
- respect from registry staff and tribunal decision-makers
- your personal and confidential information being treated in compliance with relevant legislation.
We will:
- treat you with courtesy, respect and professionalism
- respect the diversity of the community
- provide fair and equitable access to services
- provide you with clear and accurate information about our practices and procedures through fact sheets and our website
- welcome your comments and deal with any reasonable problems.
We cannot:
- provide you with legal advice, however we can refer you to legal and community organisations which may be able to assist you
- provide advice about what to say during a hearing
- talk to a tribunal decision-maker on your behalf
- other than through the appeals system, alter decisions of a decision-maker or the outcomes of hearings.
You can help us by:
- having your case number and details ready when calling the tribunal
- providing us with timely and accurate information
- treating staff, decision-makers and other parties with courtesy and respect
- letting us know if you have any special needs
- telling us how we can improve our services
- asking us to explain anything you are not sure of.
We value your input and would like to know what you think of our information and services.
Please talk to our team at your local registry, use our online feedback form, email enquiries@justice.qld.gov.au or call us on 1300 753 228.