
Lodge a complaint about QCAT.

Complaints about QCAT Registry

If you have a complaint about our registry staff, service delivery, procedures, practices or policies, please:

Complaints about Members, Adjudicators and Justice of the Peace

If you have a complaint about a QCAT Member, Adjudicator or Justice of the Peace, please:

Complaints about decisions

QCAT registry staff cannot give you advice about whether you should appeal against a decision or whether your application would be successful.

Appealing a QCAT decision

In certain circumstances parties can appeal a QCAT decision. See Appealing a QCAT decision for more information.

The Queensland Ombudsman

A member of the public may apply to the Ombudsman to help resolve a complaint. QCAT may refer applications to the Ombudsman and the Ombudsman to QCAT.

The Queensland Ombudsman’s Office is an independent complaints agency.

The office is established under the Ombudsman Act 2001.

The objectives of the Act are to:

  • give people a timely, effective, independent and just way of having administrative actions of agencies investigated
  • improve the quality of decision-making and administrative practice in agencies.

The Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal Act 2009 permits QCAT to refer applications or referrals for administrative action to the Ombudsman as appropriate. Similarly, the Ombudsman can refer complaints to QCAT.

For more information on the Queensland Ombudsman’s functions, please visit their website at